Friends have a look at previous year Question papers....
B.E campus:
4th Semester
Part – A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)
1. Write a simple Windows program to print “Hello World”.
2. Define and list down the GDI primitives.
3. Define an application framework.
4. How to use an ActiveX controls in your projects?
5. What is COM?
6. What is a serialize function?
7. Write short notes on aggregation.
8. How ActiveX controls are different from ordinary controls?
9. Which are the databases we can open with DAO?
10. What is a Winsock?
Part – B (5 x 16 = 80 Marks)
11. (a) Discuss in detail about displaying the window and message looping.
(b) Explain windows Graphics Device Interface (GDI) in detail.
12. (a) Explain the steps with an example for programming a model dialog.
(b) Explain the different mapping modes. Compare and Construct.
13. (a) Explain how to create a toolbox for your application.
(b) Explain SDI and MDI applications in detail.
14. (a) Write down the steps of MFC OLE drag and drop processing with a neat diagram.
(b) (i) Explain the steps involved in the creation of active X control. (Marks -8)
(ii) Highlight the features of COM (Marks -8)
15. (a) Explain how database connectivity can be achieved using ODBC. Write necessary coding and also write coding to query the database.
(b) Write an MFC Automation client program.
CS-1010 C# AND .NET FRAMEWORK Qestion paper
PART-A (10*2=20 MARKS)
1. Differentiate value type and reference type.
2. Is it possible to have two
3. What is the use of static constructor in C#?
4. What is the use of ‘new’ in inheritance?
5. List out the different types of applications that can be created on .NET.
6. What are the advantages in using a dataset?
7. What are the uses of server side controls?
8. List out the server side state management options supported by ASP.NET.
9. What are assemblies?
10. What is the difference between SingleCall and Singleton?
PART-B(5*16=80 MARKS)
11 (a) (i) List out the various value and reference types supported in C#.[8]
(ii)What is a jagged array? Explain its use with simple example. [8]
(b) (i) Explain the execution model of the .NET framework[6]
(ii) Describe the components of the .NET framework and explain the features of each component.[10]
12(a) (i)List out the exception handling statements supported in C# and explain with an example. [8]
(ii) What is the use of ‘is’ operator in interfaces? Explain. [8]
(b)(i) Consider a class distance which stores a distance value using kilometer and meter. Overload the +operator to add two distance objects.
(ii) What is a delegate? Explain with an example. [8]
13(a)(i) List out the categories of controls supported in window based application and explain the importance of each. [8]
(ii) Explain the process of creating a window based calculator with your own UI. [8]
(b)(i)Compare the architecture of
(ii). Write a database application to display the details of student table details in a datagrid control. [8]
14.(a) (i) Compare ASP with ASP.NET.[8]
(ii) Write a web based application to implement a ticket status checking system.[8]
(b) Explain the web service architecture. What are the steps involved in the creation and consumption of web services. Explain with an example.[16]
15 (a)(i) Explain the features of CLR.[8]
(ii) What is reflection? Explain its use with an example.[8]
(b) What is remoting? Explain the steps involved in the process of creating remoting application[16]
5th Semester
(Regulation 2004)
Time:3 hrs Maximum:100marks
Answer ALL questions.
PART A-(10X2=20 marks)
1.Define Adimistration.
2.Explain unity of direction.
3.What is
4.Brief on Operational Planning.
5.What is decentralisation?
6.Define Staffing.
7.What is Power Motive?
8.Give the meaning of social need.
9.Write any two HR related controlling technique.
10.What are the various types of functional budgets?
PART B-(5X16=80 marks)
11.(a)Discuss the various functions of Management.
(b)Mention the scientific principles of management and also specify the features of scientific management.
12.(a)What are the steps in planning?And explain.
(b)Discuss various forecasting techniques normally adopted.
13.(a)Name the factors determing departmentation.Also mention the bases of departmentation and give examples.
(b)Explain the various techniques used in selection process.
14.(a)Explain Maslow's theory of Motivation and Compare and Contrast xy theory.
(b)Discuss communication through electronic media for effective business.
15.(a)What are the steps in controlling process and state the essentials of effective control.
(b)What is budgetary control and explain its significance.
4th Sem
Answer all questions
(PART A-10*2=20marks)
1.The odds in favour of A solving mathematical problem are 3 to 4 and the odds against B solving the problems are 5 to 7. Find the probability that the problem will be solved by at least one of them.
2.A die is loaded in such a way that each odd number is twice as likely to occur as even number. Find P(G), where G is the event that a number greater than 3 occurs on a single roll of the die.
3.Define a continuous random variable. Give an example.
4.Find the value of (a). C and (b). mean of the following distribution given
C(x-x2), for 0<1
f(x)= 0, elsewhere
5.If the probability is 0.40 that a child exposed to a certain contagious will catch it, what is the probability that the tenth child exposed to the disease will be the third to catch it?
6.If X is uniformly distributed over (0,10) Calculate the probability that (a).X>6, (b).3<8.
7.Find the moment generating function for the distribution where
2/3, at x=1
f(x)=1/3, at x=2
0, otherwise
8.State central limit theorem.
9.Define random process and its classification.
10.What are the basic characteristics of Queuing process?
(PART B-5*16=80 marks)
11(a).(i).If the probability density of X is given by
2(1-x), for 0<1
f(x)=0, otherwise
1).Show that E[Xr]=2/((r+1)(r+2))
2).Use this result to evaluate e[2X+1)2]
11(a).(ii).Given a binary communication channel, where A is the input and E is the output, let P(a)=0.4, P(E/A)=0.9 and p[E/A]=0.6. Find
11(b).(i).A random variable X has density function given by
1/k, for0
f(x)= 0, elsewhere
(2).r th moment
11(b).(ii).Given that a student studied, the probability of passing a certain quiz is 0.99. Given that a student did not study. The probability of passing the quiz is 0.05. Assume that the probability of studying is 0.7. A student flunks the quiz. What is the probability that he or she did not study?
12.(a).(i).Let the random variable X following binomial distribution with parameters n and p. Find,
(1).Probability mass function of X.
(2).Moment generating function.
(3).Mean and variance of X.
12.(a).(ii).The number of personal computer (PC) sold daily at a computer World is uniformly distributed with a minimum of 2000 PC and a maximum of 5000 PC. Find
(1).The probability that daily sales will fall between 2500 and 3000PC.
(2).What is the probability that the computer World will sell at least 4000 PC’s?
(3).What is the probability that the computer World will sell exactly 2500 PC’s?
12.(b).(i).Define the probability density function of normal distribution and standard normal distribution. Write down the important properties of its distribution.
12(b).(ii).An electric firm manufactures light bulbs that have a life, before burnout, that is normally distributed with mean equal to 800 hours and standard deviation of 40 hours. Find
(1).The probability that a bulb burns more than 834 hours
(2).The probability that bulb between 778 and 834 hours
13.(a).(i).In producing gallium-arsenide microchips, it is known that the ratio between gallium and arsenide is independent of producing a high percentage of workable wafer, which are main components of microchips. Let X denote the ratio of gallium to arsenide and Y denote the percentage of workable micro wafers retrieved during a 1 hour period. X and Y are independent random variables with the joint density being known as
(x(1+3y2))/4, 0<2,0<1
f(x)= 0, otherwise
Show that E(XY)=E(X)E(Y).
13(a).(ii).If the joint density of X1 and X2 is given by
6.e-3x1-2x2, for x1>0, x2>0
f(x1,x2)= 0, otherwise
Find the probability density of Y= X1 and X2
13.(b).(i).Two random variables X and Y have joint density function
fXY(x,y)=x2+(xy)/3; 0=x=1, 0=y=2
Find the conditional density functions. Check whether the conditional density functions are valid.
13.(b).(ii).If the joint probability density of X1 and X2 is given by
ex1+ x2, for x1>0, x2>0
f(x1,x2)= 0, otherwise
Find the probability of Y= X1/( X1 + X2)
14.(a).(1). 13(a).(11)Find the correlation coefficient and obtain the lines of regression from the following data:
x: 50 55 50 60 65 65 65 60 60 50
y: 11 14 13 16 16 15 15 14 13 13
14.(a).(ii).Let z be a random variable with probability density f(z)=1/2 in the range -1=z=1. Let the random variable X=z and the random variable Y=z2. Obviously X and Y are not independent since X2=y. Show none the less, that X and Y are uncorrelated.
14.(b).(i).Two random variables X and Y are defined as Y=4X+9.Find the correlation coefficient between X and Y.
14.(b).(ii).A stochastic process is described by X(t)=Asint + Bcost where A and B are independent random variables with zero means and equal standard deviation. Show that the process is stationary of the second order.
15.(a).(i).A raining process is considered as two state Markov chain. If it rains, it is considered to be the state 0 and if it does not rain, the chain is in state 1. The transition probability of the Markov chain is defined as
0.6 0.4
P 0.2 0.8 in matrix form
Find the probability that it will rain for 3 days from today assuming that it will rain after three days. Assume the initial probabilities of state 0 and state 1 as 0.4 and 0.6 respectively.
15.(a).(ii).A person owing a scooter has the option to switch over to scooter, bike or a car next time with the probability of (0.3,0.5,0.2). If the transition probability matrix is
0.4 0.3 0.3
0.2 0.5 0.5
0.25 0.25 0.5 . What are the probabilities vehicles related to his fourth purchase?
15.(b).(ii).Arrival rate of telephone calls at telephone are according to Poisson distribution with an average time of 12 min between two consecutive calls arrival. The length of telephone call is assumed to be exponentially distributed with mean 4 times.
1).Determine the probability that person arriving at the booth will have to wait.
2).Find the average queue length that is formed from time to time.
3).The telephone company will install second booth when convinced that an arrival would expect to have to wait at least 5 min for the phone. Find the increase in flows of arrivals which will justify a second booth.
4).What is the probability that an arrival will have to wait for more than 15 min before the phone is free?
April/May 2004
CS337-Principles of Compiler Design
1. What is CFG?Explain with an example?
2. What are the cousins of compiler?
3. Draw the NFA for a*/b*.
4. What are sentinels?Discuss their usage?
5. Define handle pruning.
6. What are the LR(0) items.
7. How do you represent an equation using DAG a:=b*-c+b*-c.What is the purpose of DAG?
8. What is the intermediate code representation for expression a or b and not c.
9. How do you calculate the cost of an instruction?
10. What is defined as code motion?
11. i.Explain various phases of a compiler in detail.Also write down the output for the following expression after each phase a:=b*c-d.(10 marks)
ii.Briefly explain compiler construction tools.
12. a.For regular expression (a|b)*a(a|b)draw NFA.Obtain DFA from NFA.Minimise DFA using ?new construction.Write algorithm wherever necessary.
b.i.How you get a DFA from a Regular expression?Obtain DFA for an regular expression.(10 marks) (a/b)*a(a/b)(a/b)
ii.What are necessary conditions to be carried out before the construction of predictive parser.
13. a.i.Construct a predictive parser.(12 marks)
S->(L)/a L->L,S/S
ii.Construct behaviour of parser on the sentence (a,a) using grammar specified.
b.i.What is the operator grammar?Draw the precedence function graph for the following table.
a ( ) , $
a > > >
( < < = <
) > > >
, < < > >
$ < <
ii.Check whether following grammar is SLR(1) or not.Explain the answer with reasons.
S->L=R S->R L->*R L->id R->L
14. a.Explain various structures that are used for the symbol table construction.
b.How would you generate the intermediate code for the flow of control statements?Explain with example?
15. a.i.Briefly explain issues in design of code generator.
ii.Explain peep hole optimization.
b.Explain principle source of optimization.
4th Semester
(Common to B.E.(Part-Time) 2nd Semester Regulation 2005)
Time:Three hours Maximum:100 marks
Answer all questions
(PART A-10*2=20 marks)
1.What is load store architecture?
2.Explain the absolute and auto increment addressing modes with an example instruction?
3.Discuss the IEEE format used for representing single-precision floating point numbers.
4.Discuss the principle of operation of a carry saver adder.
5.What are the advantages and disadvantages of hardwired and micro-programmed control?
6.What is the ideal speedup expected in a pipelined architecture with ‘n’ stages? Justify your answer.
7.Distinguish between the write-through and write-back policies out their merits and demerits.
8.What is an interleaved memory system? Discuss.
9.Distinguish between memory and mapped I/O and I/O mapped I/O.
10.Consider a computer in which several devices are to be serviced interrupts. How do you handle this if the processor has only one request line?
(PART B-5*16=80 marks)
11.(i).Consider the following instruction
Add (R0)+R1,R2
Where the first two are source operands and the third is the destination operand. Show the control sequence to execute this instruction for a single bus organization assuming the instruction itself is only a one word instruction [Marks-8]
(ii).What are the features to be considered while designing the instruction formats of a
processor? Discuss in detail. [Marks-8]
12.a).(i).Discuss the principle of operation of carry look ahead adder. [Marks-4]
(ii).Design a 64-bit adder that uses four 16-bit carry-look ahead adders along with additional logic to generate c16,c32,c48 and c64 from c0 and the G1” and P1” variable. Also calculate the delay for generating s63 and c64. [Marks-12]
12.b).(i).Discuss the operation of floating point adder/subtractor unit. [Marks-12]
(ii).Simulate the addition operations on the operands:
A=0 10001 011011
B=1 01111 101010
With a five-bit signed excess-15 exponent and six-bit normalized fractionalized
Mantissa. [Marks-4]
13.a).Give the organization of a typical hardwired control unit and explain the functions performed by the various blocks. Discuss the data flow for a simple instruction. [Marks-16]
13.b).Discuss the various hazards that might arise in a pipeline. What are the remedies commonly adopted to overcome/minimize these hazards. [Marks-16]
14.a).(i).Discuss the various mapping techniques used in cache memories. [Marks-12]
(ii).A computer system has a main memory consisting of 1M words. It also has 8K word cache organized in the block-set-associative manner, with 4 blocks per set and 64 words per block. [Marks-4]
14.b).(i).Explain the concept of virtual memory with any one virtual memory management techniques. [Marks-12]
(ii).Give the basic cell of an associative memory and explain its operation. [Marks-4]
15.a).(i).What are the functions performed by a typical I/O interface? [Marks-4]
(ii).Explain the interrupt driven mode of data transfer and the DMA driven data transfer elaborating on how they are accomplished and their relative merits and demerits. [Marks-12]
15.b).Write short notes on the following
(i).Laser printers [Marks-8]
(ii).Any two input devices [Marks-8]
B.E./B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2007 3rdSemester (Regulation 2004)
(Common to B.E.(Part-Time) Second Semester Regulation 2005)
Time:Three hours Maximum:100 marks
Answer all questions
(PART A-10*2=20 marks)
1.What are error detecting codes?
2.Find the components for the following functions
3.Draw the circuit diagram for 3 bit parity generator.
4.What are the drawbacks of K-Map method?
5.What is logic synthesis in HDL?
6.When an overflow condition will encounter in an accumulator register?
7.What is gate leveling modeling?
8.What are the differences between sequential and combinational logic?
9.Draw the logic diagram for D-Type Latch.
10.What are the assumptions made for pulse mode circuit?
(PART B-5*16=80 marks)
11.(a).Using tabulation method simplify the Boolean function
F(w,x,y,z)=S(2,3,4,6,7,11,12,13,14) which has the don’t care conditions d(1,5,15).
(b).Simplify the Boolean function using Variable Entered Mapping method and implement using gates
12.(a) (i).Design a combinational circuit to convert gray code to BCD. [Marks-12]
(ii).Design a Full Adder circuit with a Decoder. [Marks-4]
(b).Design a 4-bit magnitude comparator to compare two 4 bit numbers.
13.(a).Implement the Boolean function using 8:1 multiplexer
(b).Explain the different types of ROM
14.(a).Construct a full subtractor circuit and write a HDL program module for the same
(i).Compare synchronous with Asynchronous counters [Mark-8]
(ii).Explain the behavioral Model with suitable example [Mark-8]
(b).(i).A positive edge triggered flip-flop has two inputs D1 and D2 and a control input that chooses between the two. Write an HDL behavioral description of this flip-flop. [Mark-8]
(ii).Construct and explain 4 stage Johnson counter. [Mark-8]
15.(a).(i).Explain the need for key debounce circuit [Mark-8]
(ii).What is the objective of state assignment in asynchronous circuit? Give hazard-free realization for the following Boolean functions [Mark-8]
(b).An asynchronous sequential circuit is described by the following excitation and output function
(i).Draw the logic diagram of the circuit [Mark-5]
(ii).Derive the transition table and output map [Mark-6]
(iii).Describe the behavior of the circuit [Mark-5]
B.E. / B.Tech. Degree Examination, May / June – 2007
3rd Semester
CS 1203 – System Software
PART – A (10 X 2 =20 marks)
1. Define upward compatibility in systems.
2. Distinguish between direct addressing and indirect addressing.
3. Consider the following sequence
Is a two pass assembler can resolve such a sequence of definition? Justify your answer.
4. What is the data structure used to organize the symbol table and operation code table in a simple assembler Why it is preferred?
5. What are the advantages of dynamic linking?
6. What is the function of pass 2 of a loader?
7. What is the use of DEFTAB (Definition table) NAMTAB (Name table) and ARGTAB (Argument table) in macro processor?
8. What is the purpose of conditional compilation statement in ANSI C preprocessor?
9. What are the tasks performed by document editing process?
10. How the mapping of view buffer to a window is done?
PART –B ( 5 X 16 = 80 marks)
11. (a) (i) Explain the SIC machine architecture. (Marks – 8)
(ii) Write a sequence of instruction for SIC to set
VAL 1 = VAL 2 + INCR-2
VAL 3 = VAL 4 + INCR-2
Illustrate how the same calculation could be performed of SIC/XE. (Marks -8)
(b) (i) Explain the SIC/XE machine architecture. ( Marks – 8)
(ii) The variables V1, V2 and V3 are assumed as an array of 100 words each. Write a sequence of instructions for SIC to add together the corresponding elements of V1, V2 and store in V3. ( Marks – 8)
12. (a) (i) Write the algorithm for pass 1 assembler. ( Marks –10)
(ii) Explain program relocation with example. ( Marks – 6)
(b) Explain in detail about the machine independent features of assemble. ( Marks – 16)
13. (a) Explain the design of relocating loader with an example. ( Marks – 16)
(b) Write short notes on:
(i) Linkage editor. (Marks -8)
(ii) Dynamic linking. (Marks -8)
14. (a) (i) Explain with an example how macro processor allows the invocation of macro with in macro. ( Marks – 8)
(ii) Discuss the macro processing features of ANSI C programming language. ( Marks – 8)
(b) Explain the various machine independent features of Macro processor in detail. (Marks -16)
15. (a) (i) Explain the various types of user interface. (Marks -8)
(ii) Discuss the nature of the user interface for an interactive debugger. (Marks -8)
(b) (i) Explain the structure of a text editor. (Marks -10)
(ii) Explain the important functions of an interactive debugging system. (Marks -8)
B.E./B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION,(May/June 2007)
Annual Pattern First Year
(Regulation 2004)
(Common to Information Technology )
Time:Three hours Maximum:100 marks
Answer all questions
(PART A-10*2=20 marks)
!.What is intrinsic semiconductor? Give two examples.
2.What is meant by zener breakdown?
3.What are the biasing conditions to operate a transistor in active region?
4.What is thermal runaway?
5.List the merits and demerits of negative feedback.
6.Write the Barkhausen criterion condition for oscillator.
7.Draw the VI characteristics of DIAC.
8.What is an opto-isolator.
9.What is meant by precision rectifier?
10.Mention the ideal characteristics of op-amp.
(PART B-5*16=80 marks)
11.(a).Discuss the VI characteristics of P-N diode and zener Diode with their construction and principle of operation.
(b).(i).Explain the operation of full wave rectifier with necessary wave forms.
(ii).With suitable circuit diagram, explain the operation of positive clipper, negative clipper, positive clamper and negative clamper.
12.(a).Discuss the VI characteristics of any two types of MOSFET.
(b).Determine the operating points of the following circuit. Also find the stability factor if ß value of the silicon transistor is 50.
13.(a).Design a negative feed back amplifier with a feed back factor of 10%. Also find the number of stages required to get a gain of 100 with feed back. Assume the non feed back amplifier has a gain of 1000.
(b).Write short notes on the following:
(i).Colpitts oscillator.
(ii).Bistable multivibrator
14.(a).Explain the VI characteristics of SCR and TRIAC.
(b).Discuss the operation of LCD and solar cell in detail.
15.(a).With operational amplifier, explain the operation of Wein bridge oscillator and low pass filter.
(b).Explain the applications of op-amp with respect to the following:
(i).Non inverting amplifier
Fourth Semester
Answer all questions
PART A 10*2=20marks
1.A lot of integrated circuit chips consists of 10 good,4 with minor defects and 2 with major defects. Two chips are randomly chosen from the lot. What is the probability that atleast one chip is good.
2.A continuous random variable X has a p.d.f f(x)=k(1+x),2=x=5. Find P(x<4).
3.One percent of jobs arriving at a computer system need to wait until weekends for scheduling, owing to core-size limitations. Find the probability that among a sample of 200 jobs, there are no jobs that have to wait until weekends.
4.A fast food chain finds that the average time customers have to wait for service is 45 seconds. If the waiting time can be treated as an exponential random variable, what is the probability that a customer will have to wait more than 5 minutes given that already he waited for 2 minutes?
5.The joint p.d.f of 2 random variables X and Y is f(x,y)=cx(x-y),o<2,-x
=0 , elsewhere.
Evaluate C.
6.Let (x,y) be a two dimensional random variable. Define covariance of (x,y). If x and y are independent what will be the covariance of (x,y)?
7.Define a Markov chain and give example.
8.If the transaction probability matrix of a Markov Chain is
, find the limiting distribution of the chain.
9.In the usual notation of an M/M/1 queueing system, if ?=12 per hour and µ=24 per hour find the average number of customers in the system.
10.Write Pollaczek-Khintchine formula and explain the notations
{Part B 5*16=80 mark}
11(a).(i).A binary communication channel carries data as one of 2 types of signal denoted by 0 and 1. Due to noise, a transmitted 0 is sometimes received as a 1 and a transmitted 1 is sometimes received as a 0. For a given channel assume a probability of 0.94 that a transmitted 0 is correctly received as a 0 and a probability of 0.91 that a transmitted 1 ia received as a 1. Further assume a probability of 0.45 of transmitted a 0. If a signal is sent determine (1) a 1 is received (2) a 1 was transmitted given that 1 was received (3) a 0 was transmitted given that a 0 was received (4) an error occurs.
11(a).(ii).In a continuous distribution, the probability density is given by f(x)=kx(2-x), 0<2.>
11.(b)(i).The cumulative distribution function (c d f) of a random variable x is given by
0 x<0 0="x<1/2" 2="x<3" x="3">
11.(b)(ii).Find the moment generating function of the geometric random variable with p.d.f. f(x)=pqy-1 , x=1,2,3…… and hence obtain its mean and variance.
12(a).(i).The number of monthly break down of a computer is a poisson distribution with mean equal to 1.8. Find the probability, that this computer will function for a month (1) without a break down (2) with only one breakdown and (3) with atleast one breakdown.
12(a).(ii).The lifetime x in hours of a component is modeled by a Weibull distribution with ß=2. Starting with a large number of components, it is observed that 15% of the components that have lasted 90 hours fail before 100 hours. Find the parameter a.
12(b).(i).The marks obtained by a number of students in a certain subject are approximately normally distributed with mean 65 and standard deviation 5. If 3 students are selected at random from this group, what is the probability that atleast one of them would have scored above 75? [Given that the area between z=0 and z=2 under the standard normal curve is 0.4772].
12(b).(ii).Write the p.d.f of Gamma distribution. Find the MGF, mean and variance.
13(a).(i).The joint density function of the random variable (x,y) is given by
f(x)= 8xy 0<1,0 y="y" u="x-y." p=" .Find">
Fifth Semester
Time: Three hours Maximum:100 marks
Answer ALL questions
PART A – (10* 2= 20 marks)
1. What is Time Sharing System?
2. What is the main advantage of the layered approach to system design.
3. What is job scheduler? What is CPU scheduler?
4. What are the various process states?Depict process state diagram.
5. Explain any four scheduling criteria involved in CPU scheduling.
6. Consider a logical address space of eight pages of 1024 words each, mapped
onto a physical memory of 32 Frames. How many bits are there in logical
7. What is sequential address method? Mention its merits and demerits.
8. Define single level directory structure. Give one example.
9. What is a bit vector?
10. Mention any two features of linux file system.
PART B - ( 5 * 16 = 80 marks )
11. (i) Describe Working-Set model. (10)
(ii) Describe paging with illustrative example. (6)
12. (a) (i) Consider the following set of processes , with the length of the CPU
burst time given in milliseconds.
Process Burst time Priority
P1 8 3
P2 3 1
P3 4 4
P4 2 2
P5 6 5
The processes are assumed to have arrived in the order P1, P2, P3,
P4 and P5 all at time 'O'.
(1) Draw four Gantt charts illustrating the execution of these
processes using FCFS, SJF,A nonpreemptive priority (a
smaller priority number implies a higher priority) and RR
(quantum = 2) scheduling.
(2) What is the turn around time of each process for each of the
scheduling algorithms in part (1).
(3) What is the waiting time of each process for each of the
scheduling algorithms in part (1).
(4) Which of the schedules in part (1) results in the minimal
average waiting time(over all processes) (12)
(ii) Explain the three requirements that a solution to critical-section
problem must satisfy. (4)
(b) (i) Describe an algorithm which satisfies all the conditions of critical
section problem and also prove how it satisfies all the conditions.
(ii) Describe deadlock prevention methods
(1) Hold and wait
(2) Circular wait
(3) No preemption. (10)
13. (a) (i) Describe internal and external fragmentation with illustrative
examples. (8)
(ii) Describe segmentation with its hardware. (8)
(b) (i) Describe multilevel paging with example. (8)
(ii) Describe hardware support of paging with TLB. (8)
14. (a) Describe place replacement algorithms
(i) FIFO algorithm
(ii) Optimal algorithm
(iii) LRU algorithm with illustrative example. (16)
(b) (i) Describe the layered design of file-system organisation. (10)
(ii) Describe the file system mounting. (6)
15. (a) Describe the following methods for allocating disk space.
(i) Linked allocation.
(ii) Contiguous allocation. (16)
(b) (i) Describe components of a Linux system. (8)
(ii) Describe process scheduling in Linux system. (8)
Fifth Semester
(Regulation 2004)
Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 marks
Answer ALL questions
PART A – (10 ´ 2 = 20 marks)
1. Name the various Flag bits available in an 8085 microprocessor.
2. Give the significance of SIM and RIM instruction available in 8085.
3. What do you mean by pipelining in an 8086 processor?
4. How the 20 bit efficient, address is calculated in an 8086 processor?
5. What is the purpose of CLK signal in an 8086 system?
6. What is the use of Latch signal on the AD0 – AD15 bus in an 8086 system?
7. Name the two modes used by the DMA processes to transfer data.
8. Name the six modes of operations of an 8253 programmable interval timer.
9. Differentiate a microprocessor and a microcontroller.
10. Differentiate RRA and RRCA instruction in 8051 microcontroller.
PART B – (5 ´ 16 = 80 marks)
11. (a) (i) With a neat block diagram explain the architecture of an 8085
Microprocessor? (12)
(ii) List out the Mask able and Non – Mask able interrupts available in an
8085 processor. (4)
(b) (i) How do the instructions of 8085 is classified based on their functions
and word length? Give an example. (10)
(ii) Write an ALP to add two 8 bit numbers.
12. (a) (i) With the neat sketch explain the architecture of an 8086 processor.
(ii) Give the significance of O Flag, T Flag and I Flag, D Flag of 8086. (4)
(b) (i) Explain in detail about the various addressing modes used in 8086
processor? Give an example. (12)
(ii) Name the various segment registers and their usage in 8086 processor. (4)
13. (a) (i) Explain the MIN/MAX mode operation of an 8086 processor. (10)
(ii) Give a note on the role of a decoder in memory interfacing with
example. (6)
(b) (i) Explain in detail about the 8086 memory banks and the associated
signals for byte and word operations.
(ii) Give the significance of RQ/GTO and IO/M signals. (4)
14. (a) (i) With a neat sketch kand explain the operation of an Interrupt
controller(8259) (14)
(ii) What jis the use of CAS0, CAS1 and CAS2 signals?
(b) Draw the block diagram of a DMA controller (8237) and explain its
15. (a) (i) With the help of a functional block diagram explain any one application
of 8051 microcontroller. (16)
(b) Give the PIN details of an 8051 microcontroller and explain. (16)
Fifth Semester
(Regulation 2004)
Time: Three hours utmost: 100 marks
Answer ALL questions
PART A (10 * 2 = 20 marks)
1. How address and data lines are demultiplexed in 8085?
2. What is the function performed by SIM instruction in 8085?
3. What is pipelined architecture?
4. How the interrupt can be masked/unmasked in 8086?
5. What are the signals involved in memory bank selection in 8086
micro processor?
6. How clock signal is generated n 8086? What is the maximum internal clock
frequency of 8086?
7. What is the function of gate signal in 8254 timer?
8. Write the format of KW1 in 8259.
9. List the interrupts of 8051 micro controller.
10. What are register banks in 8051 microcontroller?
PART B – (5 ´ 16 = 80 marks)
11. (a) (i) Explain the various logical and arithmetic instructions available in 8085
microprocessor. -10)
(ii) Explain the function of various flags of 8085 microprocessor (6)
(b) (i) Distinguish between I/O mapped I/O and memory mapped I/O. (6)
(ii) Write an 8085 assembly language program to convert 8 bit binary to
ASCII code. -10)
12. (a) (i) Describe the action taken by 8086 when INTR pin is activated. -6)
(ii) Write an assembly language program in 8086j to search the largest data in
an array. -10)
(b) (i) Discuss the various addressing modes of 80896 microprocessor. -10)
(ii) Clarify the following assembler directives used in 8086
(2) EQU
(3) DW -8)
13. (a) (i) Explain in detail about memory access mechanism in 8086 (8)
(ii) Make clear the function of following 8086 signals.
(1) HLDA
(2) RQ/GTO
(3) DEN
(4) ALE. -8)
(b) (i) Draw and explain a block diagram showing 8086 in maximum mode
configuration. -12)
(ii) What are the advantages of the multiprocessor systems? -4)
14. (a) (i) With the help of block diagram explain the operation of USART (8251A)
(ii) Discuss the salient features of 8259 – programmable interrupt controller.
(b) (i) explain the various modes of operations in 8253 programmable interval
Timer. -8)
(ii) Explain the operation of DMA controller (8237).
15. (a) With a suitable block diagram, explain the architecture of 8051 microcontroller.
(b) Discuss in detail about 8051 based stepper motor control along with necessary
hardware and software. -16)
Fifth Semester (CS044 – MULTIMEDIA)
Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 marks
Answer ALL questins.
PART A – (10 * 2 = 20 mark)
2. What are the types of compression techniques?
3. Give the significance of multimedia dataset.
4. Define RAID.
5. How RIFF file format is dissimilar from TIFF file format?
6. What is
7. What are the functions of juke box?
8. Name any two hypermedia document model.
9. What are the elementary tools of virtual reality?
10. What are the various display devices for virtual reality?
PART B – (5 ´ 16 = 80 marks)
11. (i) How will you evaluate the compression methods? Discuss the motion video
compression techniques. -8
(ii) Draw the block diagram of multimedia system architecture and explain the
functions. -8
12. (a) (i) Explain the JPEG compression standard with neat diagram. (8)
(ii) Describe the functions of quick time building blocks. -8
(b) Discuss the various audio compression techniques. -16
13. (a) Discuss the basic concepts of animation and the methods of controlling
the animation.
(b) Give a detailed note on
(i) Video display systems -8
(ii) Scanners -8
14. (a) Explain the following.
(i) Optical media -8
(ii) Cache management -8
(b) Describe the various modes of CDROM
and their limitations. -16
15. (a) Describe a generic immersive virtual man machine interface to realize a
virtual environment system. -16
(b) Discuss about distortion in helmet motor display.{16}